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The Best of Teresa Wentzler Fantasy Collection Volume 2

The Best of Teresa Wentzler
Fantasy Collection Volume ~ 2 listopad/2006
Kniha obsahuje 11 fantazy designů
Storyteller, Enchanter, Mermaid, Peacock Majesty, Gentle Creature, Castle Ridge, Above the Clouds, Tradewinds, Celestial Dragon, Guardian a Fantasy Triptych.

The Best of Teresa Wentzler Christmas Collection

The Best of Teresa Wentzler
Christmas Collection ~ květen/2004
Kniha obsahuje 10 vánočních designů
Angel Procession, Winter Faerie, Companions, Winter Carousel Horse, Gabriel, Byzantine Ornaments, Father Winter, Nativity, Christmas Wreath a Angel of Frost.

The Best of Teresa Wentzler Sampler Collection

The Best of Teresa Wentzler
Sampler Collection ~ srpen/2001
Kniha obsahuje 9 sampler designů
Birth Announcement, Camelot Sampler, Christmas Sampler, Heart Sampler, Harvest Sampler, English Cottage Sampler, English Garden Sampler, Fantasy Sampler,Wedding Sampler

The Best of Teresa Wentzler Sampler Collection

The Best of Teresa Wentzler
Fantasy Collection ~ duben/2000
Kniha obsahuje 10 fantazy designů
Castle, Carousel, Castle Sampler, Magical Night, Day, Night, Rapunzel, Pegasus, Stroke of Midnight a Unicorn.